Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Academy Seminar Schedule

Posted for 2014 – 2015 is our Seminar and Training topics!

After a very successful year of providing various clinics for staff, volunteers, families and riders, we are continuing our seminars.  Thank you to all that helped guide us on topics you were interested in learning more about.

2014 – 2015  Pegasus Therapeutic Riding Academy Seminar Dates and Topics are:

October 18th – Selecting a program horse – open to advanced riders and volunteers

November 15th – Situation resolution – open to volunteers and instructors

December 13th – First Aid – open to riders and volunteers

January 17th – How do Riders Feel? –  Open to volunteers

February 14th – Horse Conformation – Open to volunteers and advance riders

March 14th -Horse Behavior – Open to volunteers and advance riders

April 18th- Lunging – Open to volunteers

May 16th – Training Exercises for Program Horses – Open to Volunteers

June 13th – Topic will be voted on by volunteers


Advanced registration will be required.  Sign up will be at the office area as well as barn aisle for seminar participants to sign up.  Topic and Dates may be subject to change.  Please refer to the calendar of events   for any updates to these seminars.

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