Thank you to everyone that has contributed to our Buy a Bale Contest. This is our best year EVER. Our amazing therapy horses appreciate your generosity and will be happily munching on hay through the winter through the efforts of our generous riders, families and volunteers.  The amount that was raised through the end of the contest closing was $8,020.  We’re still receiving pay pal donations, matching gifts and turning in left over rider packets. Prince Caspian received the most bales of hay to be our winning therapy horse.

Congratulations to our winners!

Rider Category

  • 1st Place – Lucy Laws – 250 Bales
  • 2nd Place – Emma Reed – 181 Bales
  • 3rd Place – Karel Kilimnik – 46 Bales

Volunteer Category

  • 1st Place – Sara Patrick – 22 Bales
  • 2nd Place – Carol Jerdan – 20 Bales
  • 3rd Place – Judith Soslowsky – 15 Bales

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